My Free Time

Sunday, September 5, 2010


Hello Friends!!
In this blog session I will talk about my free time, the things that I do and the things that I don't do  jaja
First, I must say that I have very little free time for my, because I go to the university and I'm in this all the day (since 8:15 until 6) and when I get home, I have to do or study because we have controls everyday. In short, in the week I have very little free time, and in this, I play, I talk with mi friend by messenger or I sleep.
Now, in the weekend I have much free time because I don't like to do things for the university in this (I think that I do things for the university in the weekend, I would end stress).
The first thing that I like to do is sleep, because in the week I don't sleep much ( 5 or 4 hours). Also I like be with my friends and go to a mall, play football or another sport, go to a party or simply be in the home playing playstation and drinking something like beer.
I think that I didn't tell you that I have a girlfriend and I like go to nice places with her, I see her all days in the week because she studies nursery in the same university and we lunch together every day but I don't get bored and for this reason we meet in the weekend. When I don't do some thing that I tell you, I simply stay at the home helping with the clanliness.
Well friends, I think that I told you the main things that I do in my freetime. I hope you like it
bye and take care  ^^