My experience learning english at the university

Friday, November 19, 2010


Hello friends!!
This blog session I will talk about my experience about learning english at the university. I enter the university the last year to study nutrition, but I didn't have english classes. I didn't like nutrition so I decided to enter to study Physical Therapy in the same university. When I entered to the university, I had to do an english test to check my english level. I don't know the reason, but my level indicated the third level (pre- intermediate). So this year, the first semester, me and some partners with the same level formed  a course of pre-intermediate level and the second semester we have to course the intermediate level. These courses help us to know more each partner and to improve my english. Sincerely, I didn't know much english because I was in a school that the english was so basic and easy. But I improve my english because I played RPG (role playing game) games. In these games the player has to understand the history of the game for complete it. For this reason, I knew written english, but not talked. This situation brought me many problems in the university in the pre-intermediate level because at the first, I didn't understand when the teacher talked us and I had bad grades in listening tests but along the course I began to improve my weak point (the talked english) and began to understand when the teacher talked us. In intermediate level, the teacher talk us all the time in english and I can understand the 90% about he talked and in listening test I have good grades. I hope complete this level for hasn't english the next year because we have little time to all the things that we have to do.
Well friends. I have said my experience learning english at the university. I have to thanks the teacher because I improve my english but I still want to know more. I don't want know much english, but I want to be a bilingual because in this time, the english is the most important language to communicate with people of another countries.
Well friends... B Y E!

My favorite music

Monday, November 8, 2010


Hello friends
This blog session I will talk about my favorite music and the music that I don't like.
First, I must say that I'm not a fan of music, but I like it because it's very relaxing and it make me think too much.
My favorite music is the romantic music like songs of Ricardo Arjona, Maná for example. I like this kind of music because I find that these aren't only words but feelings expressed on their. I also like other kind of music like merengue and salsa because I like dance (even if I don't dance very well). Now I'm learning to play guitar because I want to play Arjona's songs like "duele verte" or "dame", but it's very hard for me to play and sing at the same time, also I'm very slow when I have to change to another musical note in the song. I will practice every day to improve my technique and do that I want.
Now I will tell you the kind of music that I can't stand. It's the kind of metal music. Why you will question me. The reason is because I feel that that kind of music is concerned only to shout and make noise, not to relax or be in harmony. I don't understand all the people that like to listen that kind of music, I think that is unpleasant. Another kind of music that I don't like is cumbia. Well, to specify I like it when we are celebrating the New year for example, but I don't like if it is on the street in a normal day.
Well friends. I told you the main about my music "tastes". I hope you are agree with me and I should clarify that I don't want to be disrespect to anyone, I only say "my" opinion about this.
B Y E !

dealing with stress at university

Monday, November 1, 2010


Hello everybody!
This session blog I will talk about the stress at university and how deal with this.
In these days, we can see that all people are under stress because the society demands too much. For example, on the subway in the morning, everyone is angry, grouchy and irritable that if you touch them, they claim.
In my case I think that I'm not a stressed person because I know how dealing with this. Is necessary to say that the university is very stressful because we have to wake up early, stay in class all the day and go to bed too late because there are much to study to "certamenes", controls, practical activities. In short, in week days there is little time for you. Your only chance to distress is on the weekends. In this days I try to do all the things that I can't do in weekdays, things like play PC, go to parties, go out with friends to anywhere that I like, go out with friends to do exercise or simply rest. The most important thing is that you must not think all the day that you have to study or do anything to university because you will not enjoy your free time.
well friends, I think that I have tell you how I can dealing with the stress at the university, but I think that I have not mentioned that something very important is the organization of your time to study and your free time. If you don't organize your time, you will not approach the maximum that you could.
well friends. I hope you like it
take care

Brain and learning

Friday, October 22, 2010


This blog session I will talk about a neuromyth that I think that is very interesting. In the document the myth says that a person is a left-brain or a right-brain depending on the person's personality. The brain is divided in 2 hemispheres (right and left) and these are more specialised in certain functions. The left hemisphere (a left-brain) is related to rational thinking, intellectual thinking, analysis and speech and processes of numerical information. While the right hemisphere is related to intuition, emotion, non-verbal thinking , synthetic thinking which allows representations  in space, creation and emotions.
The myth says that if you are, for example, an intellectual and rational person, you are a left-brain because you "preferentially use" that hemisphere
I think that this myth is false, because all the neuro-system is interconnected, in fact the right hemisphere is connected to the left by some structures like the corpus callosum, and studies show that one neuron has synapses with 10000 another neurons of both hemispheres. I think that all the neuro-system is active because all the connections, but, for example, if you are an intellectual and rational person, there will be a "little" domain of your left hemisphere, but both will be active and working together, because we need the 2 hemispheres to integrate the information, the emotions, talk and understand the details, etc.
Well friends I hope that you understand what I want to say and you like it.

A healthy life style. Is it possible? How?

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Hello Friends! How are you?
I hope that you are fine.
This blog session I will talk about a healthy life style and how to get.
First,whats is a life style? a life style is the way that a person lives. So, a healthy life style is the way that a person lives without doing anything that could cause risk for him self. Risks like to have any disease, or to be predisposed to it.

To get a healthy life style. First you have to pay attention to the food that you eat. You must have a balanced diet. The many calories should be from carbohydrates and proteins and should be low in fat. Also, you have to eat fruits and vegetables 5 times everyday, these have fiber that help you in the intestinal transit. When you eat, you have to consider the hour that you do it. Ideally, in the morning you shouled eat a lot, but in the nigh you should eat little or not eat.
Other than food, to achieve a healthy life style, you have consider the activities that you do in the day. to have a healthy life style you should do excercise or any sport every day if it's possible and you should not stay at home doing nothing or seeing TV without do anymore. Little thing can make de difference. For example, when you are in the underground, instead of going up de mechanical stairs, you should going up the normal stairs. Studies show that people that go upstairs have a third of the risk to suffer a heart attack than people that go up from the mechanical upstairs.

Finally, You should sleep the appropiate hours (8 hours every night). This is necessary to have a good metabolism. If you don't sleep the appropiate hours, you will alterate it.

For finish, we can see that is possible to have a healthy life style, but now days, is very hard because the high social requirements. For example for me and my classmates, we have to get up at 6: 30 in the morning and we finish the class at 6:00 in the evening, so we have lunch anything that remove hunger (it is not the most healthy). Also when we arrive to home, we have to study for the next day and there is not time to do any sport or do excercise and we have to go to bed too late in the night because the hard study.
Well, I hope that you like the words that I wrote because is very important to have a healthy life style and I gave you basics tips to have it.
Bye see you!

Memories of my childhood

Friday, October 1, 2010


Hello friends!!!
How are you ? I hope you are well. I'm fine
In this blog session, I will talk you about memories of my childhood. First I must say that I don't remember much about my childhood... I don't know the reason.
Well...When I was a child my mother worked (and still works) very hard so in the morning she left me where a neighbor that cared another boy and her daughter. They had my own age and we became friends. We played everyday and I remember that when mi friend's parents took him, the neighbor's daughter y me hid and started to kiss!! jajaja it's so funny because we were only four years old. Always that we started to kiss, my neighbour surprised us and she sent her daugther to wash her mouth jajaja. Well.. until today the 3 are good friends and we go out to drink something or to a party.
Now I will tell you a memory that I have when I was in the kindergarten there was a girl who was beautiful. At the recess, a friend and me gave her kiss in her mouth jajaja WE SHARED HER!! ajajaaj my father resented my for that reason. But one day, she was walking hand in hand with another partner, so I got angry, I took that partner from his head and I threw him into the air!! jaja the teachers punished me and they called to my mother, but she did nothing to me.  =)
Well friends, these are memories of my childhood, sorry the boring memories, but I don't remember much about my childhood.
Take care

My Free Time

Sunday, September 5, 2010


Hello Friends!!
In this blog session I will talk about my free time, the things that I do and the things that I don't do  jaja
First, I must say that I have very little free time for my, because I go to the university and I'm in this all the day (since 8:15 until 6) and when I get home, I have to do or study because we have controls everyday. In short, in the week I have very little free time, and in this, I play, I talk with mi friend by messenger or I sleep.
Now, in the weekend I have much free time because I don't like to do things for the university in this (I think that I do things for the university in the weekend, I would end stress).
The first thing that I like to do is sleep, because in the week I don't sleep much ( 5 or 4 hours). Also I like be with my friends and go to a mall, play football or another sport, go to a party or simply be in the home playing playstation and drinking something like beer.
I think that I didn't tell you that I have a girlfriend and I like go to nice places with her, I see her all days in the week because she studies nursery in the same university and we lunch together every day but I don't get bored and for this reason we meet in the weekend. When I don't do some thing that I tell you, I simply stay at the home helping with the clanliness.
Well friends, I think that I told you the main things that I do in my freetime. I hope you like it
bye and take care  ^^